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#Lightlink Serves LEDs for The 2nd European Games Minsk 2019

Author:Lightlink    Source:未知    Time:2020-10-16 17:13

Minsk, Belarus, 2019 European Games, (14-30 June 2019) – The games feature 200 events in 15 sports. Around 4,000 athletes from 50 countries participated. #Lightlink Display has provided about 800 square meter screens (for 15 gymnasiums + four outfields)which are deployed around the site, providing an indoor & outdoor broadcasting picture in real time. 

The Games included 15 major events including track and field, gymnastics and shooting. It was completed in 13 areas including “#Dinamo”. The highlights of the Lightlink LED (LR-Pro series P3.9/5.9) were distributed in all the venues where matches need scores screen, live screen, and stage screen.

Flame of the Peace torch relay Lightlink added 200sqm LED screen for witnessing the sanctified moment of the Flame of the Peace torch relay, cheering up the lighting ceremony of the 2nd European Games flame.  

To create high color reproduction, Lightlink LR-Plus series provided a huge curved background screen with a clear and smooth picture, stable operation, and wide-angle coverage for successful displaying the activities of the escort torch relay. Every match is an inspirational moment for viewers on site. So that's one of the significant is that the use of LED screens providing live video coverage from around the course. 

Blooming the Light of Opening ceremony Minsk's "Dinamo" stadium is the main stadium for the opening and closing ceremonies of the European Games. Some of the project events are held here, which can accommodate more than 40,000 people. 

For indoor display at the European Games, Lightlink built a suspended LED area where sports fans don't significantly obstruct their view for real-time broadcast, ensuring the audience meets the needs of enjoying. So instead Lightlink added two bigger screens around the indoor gymnasium which pushed up the overall sight breadth of the screens. 

3D visual environment

For the first time in the history of such events like European games, LED display matched with augmented reality technology was used. The essence is that the virtual object becomes part of the real image. viewers enjoyed the broadcast of live information with LED display which was some birds and animals from the Belarusian forest, rendering 3D visual experience.

Bright Year, Bright you-Lightens up your life

Lightlink’s motto ( Lightens up your life)echoes European games spirit. After the Jakarta Asian Games 2018, Lightlink always continues to shine for the transmission of sportsmanship.


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