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“Meeting You”---2018 Lightlink Client Greeting banquet

Author:Lightlink    Source:未知    Time:2020-10-16 17:13

March 6, 2018--This is a special day, the ISLE International LED Exhibition will come to an end on this day, but the passion continues with another event being held in Huizhou Bailuhu Sheraton Resort. That's right, this is 2018 Lightlink Client Greeting banquet and a presentation of a product that will change the industry.


As sudden as it is, this greeting banquet is not held by a sudden idea, nor is planned for a long time. It is designed to create a closer tie with our both new and long-time clients. Therefore, this banquet, which is full of surprises, shows Lightlink’s greatest gratitude to all of our clients. We thank you for being with us alone the journey and together we can make 2018 a better year for all of us.


Being held at the beautiful Huizhou Baillu Lake Sheraton hotel, the banquet is joined by more then 310 participants, including Lightlink CEO Mr Deng Tao, our higher management staffs, all the sales team from both China and foreign countries as well as representatives from strategic suppliers like Multi-color, Sumacro, Sunrise and Novastar. We are also very pleased to welcome over 260 new and long-time clients to join our evening gala.

Announced by the host, the banquet kicks off by inviting CEO Mr Deng to make a speech on behave of Lightlink, expressing our gratitude to all the strategic suppliers representatives and all the business friends present. He said in his speech that 2017 was a challenging year for Lightlink. In face of a fast changing market that witness a growing competition, Lightlink upheld the development concept that puts client and win-win result first, continued to expand market share and improve our services, advance with time and insist on explore new business. Despite a tough market situation, Lightlink achieved remarkable results by maintaining market share and increasing the sales volume. With the new year approaching, Lightlink will, based on product R&D and client demand, further adjust our plan and earn a wider and bigger market share so as to reach a higher goal.

A surprise turned this banquet to a perfect event. The banquet was scheduled to begin at 4 pm but was pushed to 5:30 pm since an increasing number of clients were coming to the party. The banquet lasted for 6 hours because every one was having fun. This banquet involved several subjects: introducing the future plan of Lightlink, exchanging ideas about the future of LEC technology, presenting an innovative product that will change the industry and handing out gift by drawing lottery. Each part was making the party a very unforgettable one. With great wine and pleasant conversation, closer cooperation is expected between Lightlink and its clients.


Some highlights of the banquet


Lightlink is a market-oriented company that puts client first, our main products include: LR-SM series, CFC series, LX-CR series, HDS series, LR-Plus series, LR-Pro series, LM-Pro and also the main product in 2018--a new generation of soft transparent LED display.

Strategic supplier representatives, including Mr. Jiang from Multi-color, Mr. Zhao from Sumacro and representatives from Sunrise and Novastar, have share their visions with other participants, winning one round of applause of another. With the cooperation and support of our suppliers, Lightlink and our clients are more confident about our future cooperation.

Not while ago, a message that showed the transparent LED screen was used during the eight-minute Beijing performance at the closing ceremony of Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games has gone viral on Wechat. At the presentation of Lightlink’s new product, Lightlink announced plans to join the high level leasing market as it displayed a new generation of soft transparent LED display. We look forward to seeing the pride and extraordinary experience brought by this new product.

Gift are sent out by drawing lottery on the hour. The prize of the event is as lucrative as you can possibly imagine: 2 Apple video servers, 40 Novastar N6 all-in-one video processor, 10 Huawei Porsche mobile phones, 10 Huawei laptops, 30 boxes of exquisite tea leaves, 200 Global Case flight cases and Beijing Lanjing P1 players for every participant.

The signing ceremony is no doubt the most generous part of the banquet. Mr Mao of Shanghai Ruili sign a 8 million deal and pays at the scene, with 800000 in return calculating by 10% of feedback points. Also, Feedback of 5 million, 3 million and 2 million are also given out. The banquet has reached its best part by handing out large amount of discount that you will never want to miss.


The banquet was not concluded until the early morning of march 7th. This banquet is the best way to start the business in a new year. Once again, we thank you for all the new and long-time clients present, and jointly we start our journey in 2018.


Meeting you at Lightlink

Joining hands to thrive

If we meet again next year

We are partners

And We make promise to each other





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